Your inner compass should be your most trusted business advisor.
Not everyone tells you this, but running a small business is a journey into knowing and becoming your true self. All of your stuff comes up.
The noise of the busy world can distract and disorient us with stress cycles, frustration and scarcity mindset. This gets in the way of wellbeing and prosperity.
It’s easy to get lost in the practical ‘doing’ stuff, to get waylaid looking for external validation or to stray off-course pushing for material success. This can drain your energy.
Go within or go without.
You are the navigator. And the treasure - the wisdom - lies within.
At this one day yoga sound healing workshop for small business, Bec and Nat will guide you to:
retune your nervous system
shift your state of being
reenergise your body
revitalise your purpose
gain confidence, clarity and coherence
attune to your inner knowing.
In this experiential, practical and holistic journey use breathwork, mantra, meditation, sound healing, business experience and reflective storytelling strategy to discover:
story of YOUR business
anatomy of your business
energetics of business
business connections
You are a new to small business, thinking about starting a business, or you have an existing business but feel stuck in the grind and want to reset
Any industry is welcome, but particularly wellbeing, creative or regenerative business people
Soloist or a couple of collaborators launching together
You’ve got ideas but they’re stuck in your head or a project is stalled and needs some fresh eyes and fresh thinking
You’ve lost your sense of self and this small business life juggle was more stressful than you anticipated
You’re making it up as you go along and want to quieten the inner critic, doubt or self-sabotage and move into alignment and coherence
Your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing have dropped down the priority list since you started your business
You’ve got questions or are looking for a mentor to build your own confidence, clarity and authenticity
You are a curious human who asks questions of the world and welcomes integrated approaches to life and business.
Ticket includes full day program with lunch. Optional extra dinner from 6:30pm at a local venue.
For session planning, participants will be sent a questionnaire prior to the workshop.